Changed 'Total money saved' to 'Potential savings'
This component is meant to provide users with an estimate, not an exact number, of the money they've saved by not purchasing traditional mail tracking services from US postal companies, and using ISendUScan instead.
Replaced the bar graph to a line graph
Line graphs offer a clearer visualization of variables changing over time. The colours chosen also contrast one another better, making it clear which variables
the lines represent.
Created separate tables for Active and Completed Deliveries
Separate tables allows users to see more information at a glance. This keeps relevant information organized so users can easily keep track of all deliveries.
Created a multi-step form
Breaking down sections into steps helps guide novice users and decreases cognitive load. This helps ensure the form is completed correctly without overwhelming users with information overload.
Numbered steps for progress tracking
Since there are quite a few steps, showing users the total steps and the current step they're on helps them keep track of their progress.
Step 4: Review
Added a review step so users get a chance to review and edit all the information they've provided, ensuring their orders get delivered to the right place.
Step 5: Payment
Added information about the price breakdown so users know exactly what they're paying for.
Removed unnecessary components
Profile photo: Not a social platform so there's no need to profile photos.
Orders sent, received, and potential savings: Already shown on the Dashboard, don't need redundant information.
Order list: Already shown on the Dashboard and Orders pages, don't need redundant information.
Reviews: Not a social platform so users won't see other profiles, thus there's purpose for including user reviews.
Added address and contact storing features
Allowing users to add frequently used addresses and contacts makes the order creation process faster, improving efficiency and overall user experience.